Delegate, Delete… Or Make It Rain!

How much time do you spend in your Zone of Genius every day?

How much time are you working on your Vital Functions, those things you, and only you can carry out that have the biggest impact on your results at work?

Are you clear on what your Vital Functions or Zone of Genius are?

Or, how do you uniquely “make it rain” as one my mentors often asks?!

The first pillar of emotional intelligence, self-awareness, requires us to know our strengths (so we can leverage them) and weaknesses, negative patterns, and triggers (so we can safeguard against them).

Yes, we all have aspects of our jobs that we don’t love and that we can’t delegate or delete, that we just have to do. There’s no escaping that.

BUT we can be very intentional with our time, energy, and prioritization so that we are operating in our Zone of Genius as much as possible.

☝️This is what leads us to greater success and joy at work. Plus, we create more productivity and balance because we focus on what actually moves the needle toward results vs. doing all the things to look busy or wear our full schedules as a badge of honor.

Busy does not equal productivity. 🙅‍♀️

The pic below was taken after one of my recent speaking engagements. When I am speaking and writing/creating, I am in my Zone of Genius, and I often experience a post-speaking high and glow that energizes me.

While I try to spend as much time speaking and writing/creating as possible, I have to do things like travel to gigs or manage my support staff. The key to my success is to get me in my Zone of Genius as much as possible.

How about you? When are you in your Zone of Genius and what percentage of time do you spend there?

How can you delegate or delete to increase this number?

If leadership is your Zone of Genuis, which specific aspects of leadership do you shine at the most and how can you do more of this to make a greater impact on results each day?

To seeing you shine… ✨

Love, your coach,


P.S. For even greater clarity and impact this week:

#1  Take the questions I posed in this email and journal the answers to them.

#2  Then identify one specific change you will make and take action on it within 24 hours.

(Research shows that when we take action on a goal within 24 hours of setting it – even if it’s a teeny tiny baby step – we are more likely to follow through and have success!)

What's your greatest take-away from this blog? Any questions?