Topic: Productivity

How To Help Your Team Increase Their Self-Awareness

“How can I help my team increase their self-awareness?” This was the most common question I got while at the CMAA World Conference in Vegas earlier this month.  (Well, besides the question: “Have you done anything for fun while in Vegas!?” The answer is yes, btw, I saw Cirque du Soleil’s Michael Jackson One and it was off the charts! People moonwalking up the side wall, zombies dropping down from the ceiling to Thriller, and …

What Ignited My Purpose & Can Set Yours On Fire Too!

I didn’t take pictures once we officially entered the Bombay slum. I was too focused on trying to step one foot in front of the other to keep moving forward.  I volunteered in the favelas of Salvador, Brazil, after college, where inhabitants had built “homes” on stilts in the water. I visited the tiny rural village of Talanga, Honduras, where my brother volunteered for a year. It had only dirt roads and zero hotels or …

Delegate, Delete… Or Make It Rain!

How much time do you spend in your Zone of Genius every day? How much time are you working on your Vital Functions, those things you, and only you can carry out that have the biggest impact on your results at work? Are you clear on what your Vital Functions or Zone of Genius are? Or, how do you uniquely “make it rain” as one my mentors often asks?! The first pillar of emotional intelligence, self-awareness, requires …

The Secret to My 140% Growth: The 1 Question You Need for 2024

What if I told you there was one question you could ask that nearly guarantees the achievement of your 2024 goals? This question helped me surpass a huge goal I had for my business in 2023. I set out to double the number of speaking engagements I delivered in 2022, to go from 15 per year to 30 per year. And that I did. I’m thrilled to share that I just finished delivering my 36th …

A Sneaky Form Of Procrastination (& what to do about it)

As high performers, we are driven to do our best. For the most part, this serves us, but as we strive for excellence in everything, we can feel overwhelmed or quickly burn out. If we fall into the trap of achieving perfection, we have given ourselves over to a form of procrastination (and stay stuck trying to attain something that’s not even possible). It can help us to implement what I call Marquis Moments. ☝️ On Sunday night, …