Browsing Tag: gratitude

3 Ss For More Impactful Gratitude

In the hustle and bustle of ordering groceries, cooking, baking, conversing with family and friends, and breaking up fights between these 2, it was easy for the intention of this holiday – gratitude – to get lost (even though gratitude is a regular daily practice of ours). So I’m taking a moment to put what I call the 3 Ss of Gratitude into place. These 3 Ss give us a bigger bang for our thankfulness …

The 3 S’s Of Gratitude (and why your success depends on it)

Vast research has found that people who regularly practice gratitude: 👍 Have more energy👍 Are less likely to be depressed, anxious, or lonely👍 Experience a higher quality of sleep👍 Get fewer headaches👍 Feel stronger social connections👍 Are happier and more optimistic👍 And are more emotionally intelligent than those who don’t. These are all important qualities that help us be impactful leaders at both work and home, so maybe it should be Thanksgiving every day of …

Less Frustration & Better Boundaries With Your Family This Holiday Season

Last September I started a gratitude journal for my husband. Every single day I wrote down one reason I loved him or was grateful for him. One year later, I gave him the journal as a birthday present. While it was meant to be a gift for him, it really ended up being a gift for me and our family. 💝 You see, all successful people know that what we focus on expands. I could …

Snapshots 📸

I created a fun new habit I want to share with you. It helps me slow down and be present. It helps me savor special moments. (Savoring is a high-impact way of practicing gratitude.) It helps me create memories, which improves feelings of contentment. It helps me enjoy life more. It’s something I call snapshots. When my little boys who aren’t so little any more are wrapped up tight in a brotherly embrace, I take …

More Impactful Gratitude: The Final Key To Abundance – Part 4

Here’s part 4 of our “Opening Up To Abundance & Prosperity” newsletter, based on Chapter 12 of my forthcoming book and some of the concepts I teach in my Mindful Balanced Life Coaching Program. What You Appreciate, Appreciates The final thing I want to address is gratitude, because what you appreciate, appreciates. When you are grateful for all that you have in your life, from the big things to the little, you’ll get more of …