Browsing Tag: haveitall

How To Easily Influence Your Outlook On Life

Before I had children, I loved watching CSI Miami. I’m not sure what it was about that show, but it was my DVR binge. One night, I was out walking my dogs and a car slowed down as it drove past me. I saw a group of men inside, looking me up and down, assessing my dogs. Were they protectors that would bare their teeth or goofy companions that would wag their tail? A few …

3 Ways To Maintain Culture In A Virtual Or Hybrid Workplace

Last month at one of my Harvard classes, we got into an intense debate about whether virtual work was here to stay or if we’d quickly revert to the in-person setting typical of pre-pandemic times. While many of my fellow students and I believe there are benefits to virtual and hybrid work options, especially when it comes to personal productivity or recruiting and retaining younger generations and parents who appreciate the flexibility that remote work offers, some …

How To Have It All ‒ 4 Ways You Can Start Today

I believe we CAN have it all. It’s my life’s work to help ambitious leaders realize this possibility and create more balance and impact at both work and home. In order to #haveitall, however, you must embrace these four steps below. 1. Believe that having it all is possible. Having it all is possible for everyone, including you! But first, you must believe that it’s true. When you believe in something and focus on that …

Training Your Subconscious And The Power Of Thoughts

When I first started teaching yoga, on my drive to class I’d repeat out loud, “I am a kickass yoga teacher. I am a kickass yoga teacher. I am a kickass yoga teacher.” I was new at teaching. It was messy. I was being more vulnerable than I had ever been, and I lacked the experience that builds confidence. I desperately wanted to be loved by my students and to inspire them the same way my …

How To Stop Being A People Pleaser

Most of us humans are people pleasers and worry too much about what other people think of us. One of the main reasons for this is that we are a tribal species. In the earliest days of our species, our tribe (especially the alpha, or leader) had to like and accept us so we could maintain our place in the tribe, which meant food, safety, and survival. If someone, especially the alpha, didn’t like us …