Uncovering The Root Of Your Overwhelm

Earlier this year, I sat down with Andrea Baykir, creator of the Overwhelmed To Empowered Summit to discuss “Uncovering The Root Of Your Overwhelm.” In case you missed the event, here’s the interview where I share:

✅ How to start the transformation process of unpacking negative habits, limiting beliefs, and other issues that drain your energy and lead to overwhelm.

✅ Identifying your defense mechanisms that contribute to your greatest strengths but also create your weaknesses that hold you back from success, balance, and joy.

✅ Why doing the work to uncover and transform your overwhelm is mutually beneficial to you, your family, your colleagues, your team, and our world.

✅ How to take responsibility for your time and energy management to turn your overwhelm into empowerment.

Give it a watch HERE now and let me know what your top takeaway is in the comments section!

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