Navigating Team Dynamics After Personal Loss

I received this Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) message from a reader recently: “What do you do when you are in need of empathy? My husband and I had a miscarriage recently and it is hard to talk about, especially with my team. I find myself getting frustrated when they are in a spat about something that seems minor compared to what I’m trying to work through. It is unfair to them for me to feel this way, but I can’t always …

3 Ss For More Impactful Gratitude

In the hustle and bustle of ordering groceries, cooking, baking, conversing with family and friends, and breaking up fights between these 2, it was easy for the intention of this holiday – gratitude – to get lost (even though gratitude is a regular daily practice of ours). So I’m taking a moment to put what I call the 3 Ss of Gratitude into place. These 3 Ss give us a bigger bang for our thankfulness …

How To Detect Your Leadership Blind Spots [Digital Assessment]

I felt pretty good about myself – slightly cocky, even – until I heard my husband explaining my reaction to the way the dishwasher was loaded to our couple’s therapist. With a sheepish smile, I sank lower in my chair. If I were a blusher, my cheeks would have turned as pink as my Kate Spade reading glasses. Having another person witness my behavior, even through story, brought more awareness to my reactions – and …

How To Turn Your Managers Into Leaders Using Emotional Intelligence

The Reality: Long gone are the days of 20th century leadership that was coercive, top-down, authoritative, and militaristic. Long gone is the loyal-for-the-long-term workforce that sucked it up when things got tough, worked hard long hours without complaint, and were happy just getting a paycheck every two weeks. With more gender and cultural diversity in the workplace than ever before and multiple generations represented, more employees are motivated by: The Data: In 2021, Gallup found that only …

How Emotions Drive Our Decision-Making

As leaders, we often find ourselves making decisions we believe to be rooted in logic and reason. However, it might surprise you to learn that emotions play a pivotal role in every decision we make, both big and small. We tend to act based on emotions or habits before attempting to justify our choices logically. This phenomenon holds true whether we’re buying a car, seeking the guidance of a coach, or even selecting the groceries …