4 Essential Phrases For Your Leadership Toolbox

As a leader, your job is to manage people, relationships, and results. This is no easy task and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to effectively influence those you work with. However, there are four phrases that are helpful to have in your leadership toolbox. Let’s examine each and determine which situations they are relevant for to make your life easier and your leadership more impactful.  🗣️ 1. How can I support you? Most of us …

The Not-So-Soft “Soft” Skill To Master For Impactful Leadership

Emotional intelligence is often defined as a “soft skill” since it’s not a technical skill or related to IQ. But there is nothing soft about being an emotionally intelligent leader. Here are four reasons emotional intelligence is a not-so-soft “soft skill” and, instead, a consistent ability of the strongest, most effective leaders you know. 1. Emotional Intelligence Requires Raw Honesty With Yourself Self-awareness, the first pillar of emotional intelligence, requires an honest assessment of how others perceive …

Transition Tips: Moving Through Change (with your kids or crew)

Transitions are hard! Regardless of age, regardless of intensity. At work, at home, when your favorite coffee shop discontinues your favorite drink, when your iPhone updates and you can’t find anything, when you send your kids off to college… anyone? Out with the safe and comfortable and in with the new… all over again. Transitions. Are. Hard.  And that’s exactly what we talk about in my latest interview with Jennifer Johnson on her podcast, The Fashionista Life. …

Should You Ditch Guided Meditation?

We know that mindfulness is an essential tool for balance, success, and emotionally intelligent leadership. And we know deep down the best tool known to man for improving your mindfulness muscle is… meditation! Even just 5 – 10 minutes a day makes me more focused, creative, productive, and patient with my family, clients, and team. Vast research backs up these findings! New meditators often ask (amongst many other things) whether guided meditations are ‘good’. Better than …

3 Ways To Make Tough Conversations Easier

Tough-love conversations are necessary for shifting unproductive behavior and maintaining a positive, high-performance atmosphere within your organization. A lot of data suggests, however, that most managers and executives avoid difficult conversations most of the time. I bet this isn’t surprising to you. I’m sure you can think of at least one conversation you or one of your key employees needs to have that hasn’t taken place yet. Here are three ways to make having tough …