Browsing Tag: emotional wellness

How To Stop Being A People Pleaser

Most of us humans are people pleasers and worry too much about what other people think of us. One of the main reasons for this is that we are a tribal species. In the earliest days of our species, our tribe (especially the alpha, or leader) had to like and accept us so we could maintain our place in the tribe, which meant food, safety, and survival. If someone, especially the alpha, didn’t like us …

What It Really Means To Be A Strong Woman

My whole life people have described me as strong. In my early career, with an aspiration for success, I emulated the strength of those in top business positions who were mostly male. The masculine style of leadership that dominated our culture until this century was more about using managerial power over others to get them to do what they wanted (“Do it because I’m the boss and I say so.”), rather than connecting to a …

How To Control Your Reaction When Someone Hurts You

“There is a saying that you are the only one who can control how you feel. How do you master this when you are a reactive person and perhaps someone says something hurtful?”  🤔 Great question!!!  I got this as an anonymous question at a workshop I led a couple weeks back and am excited to have the opportunity to answer it for you.🙋‍♀️  There are ways to turn our programmed reactions into mindful responses. And …

5 Essential Ways To Fill Your Self-Care Bucket

There are 5 types of self-care that you should carry out regularly in order to live an impactful, balanced life you love. I outline these 5 essential self-care buckets in my latest YouTube video and provide several examples on ways to fill each of them. Many of the examples I share are quick, easy, and free! I outline strategies for the 5 self-care buckets of: Physical Mental Emotional Spiritual Relational Give this video a watch …

How To Improve Work And Life Balance

Wondering how to have a healthier work/life balance? On this YouTube video I share 7 straightforward ways to create more balance so you can thrive at work and all of life! **Spoiler Alert!** Achieving sustainable balance is NOT about more effective time or energy management (even though most people think this is the key). It’s about a few personal shifts that create self-mastery and emotional wellness.  Click HERE to watch me walk you through these important shifts. I discuss: …