Browsing Tag: goals

A Sneaky Form Of Procrastination (& what to do about it)

As high performers, we are driven to do our best. For the most part, this serves us, but as we strive for excellence in everything, we can feel overwhelmed or quickly burn out. If we fall into the trap of achieving perfection, we have given ourselves over to a form of procrastination (and stay stuck trying to attain something that’s not even possible). It can help us to implement what I call Marquis Moments. ☝️ On Sunday night, …

My 200th Blog! How To Turn Goals Into Milestones

🐯 200: The number of white tigers that exist in the world today. 📺 “The One With The Male Nanny” is the 200th episode of the TV show Friends. 🎶 “Changes” by David Bowie is the 200th greatest song of all time, according to Rolling Stone. 🥔 There are more than 200 types of potatoes sold in the U.S. 💜🟣🟪 🎉 200: The number of blogs I have written since founding my business in 2017!! 🎉 🟪🟣💜 Writing 200 blogs …

The Achievement Trap: Are You Caught In It?

Can you relate to this trap I fall prey to all the time? I work hard towards my goals but feel like there’s still so much to get done. I receive 99 glowing reviews for a keynote, but only focus on the 1 negative one. I look into the future that seems so far away sometimes, without looking at the past to realize how far I’ve come. Us high achievers are a lot alike. We set goals …

How To Grow Into Your Goals

I LOVE learning and am always enrolled in at least one course or program or working with a coach. 🎉 This month (November 2022), I’m celebrating my completion of the Professional Certificate in Trauma & Resilience from Florida State University!! 🎉 This was such a great complement to my psychology and emotional intelligence (EQ) background. (Resilience is closely tied to the 2nd pillar of EQ: self-management.) We are either growing or we are dying. I know which one …

Childhood Dreams Aren’t Just For Children

When I was a little girl, I dreamed of going to Harvard University. I wore my crimson Harvard sweatshirt several times a week and made fond memories of eating Tasty Burgers with my middle school speech team that traveled to the Cambridge campus every spring for a national speech tournament. But as limiting beliefs began to shape me in high school, my plans changed. I no longer saw myself as a Harvard girl. “Harvard is …