Browsing Tag: productivity

Your “Superpower”​ That’s Lowering Your IQ 10 Points – Stop This!

You know that fried feeling in your brain at the end of a busy day?  That mentally exhausted, hard-to-focus, hard-to-transition-out-of-work-into-your-evening-roles feeling? That feeling like you’ve been smoking weed all day or just woke up from a first-night-of-vacation hangover? That feeling is from multitasking. Multitasking, or the constant switching from one task to the other, lowers your IQ by 10 points! (Comparatively, actually toking ganja lowers your IQ by only 5 points!) So, as the University …

One Of The Most Helpful Time Management Tools I’ve Tried

“What gets measured gets managed.” I heard this quote often in my corporate career. It can be applied to all areas of your life — even time. It aligns with the universal wisdom that the first step to change is awareness. So if you want to make better choices about how you use your time, you must bring clear awareness to it by measuring it.  Having read hundreds of time management, productivity, and high performance …