Browsing Tag: high-performance leadership

4 Essential Phrases For Your Leadership Toolbox

As a leader, your job is to manage people, relationships, and results. This is no easy task and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to effectively influence those you work with. However, there are four phrases that are helpful to have in your leadership toolbox. Let’s examine each and determine which situations they are relevant for to make your life easier and your leadership more impactful.  🗣️ 1. How can I support you? Most of us …

The Not-So-Soft “Soft” Skill To Master For Impactful Leadership

Emotional intelligence is often defined as a “soft skill” since it’s not a technical skill or related to IQ. But there is nothing soft about being an emotionally intelligent leader. Here are four reasons emotional intelligence is a not-so-soft “soft skill” and, instead, a consistent ability of the strongest, most effective leaders you know. 1. Emotional Intelligence Requires Raw Honesty With Yourself Self-awareness, the first pillar of emotional intelligence, requires an honest assessment of how others perceive …

3 Ways To Make Tough Conversations Easier

Tough-love conversations are necessary for shifting unproductive behavior and maintaining a positive, high-performance atmosphere within your organization. A lot of data suggests, however, that most managers and executives avoid difficult conversations most of the time. I bet this isn’t surprising to you. I’m sure you can think of at least one conversation you or one of your key employees needs to have that hasn’t taken place yet. Here are three ways to make having tough …

4 Ways To Increase Employee Retention With Emotional Intelligence

Looking to increase employee retention, reduce burnout, and achieve high-performance leadership? Research says emotional intelligence is the most effective way to do so. Just ask our friend, Google, and you’ll see vast research citing the huge benefits emotional intelligence has to you, your organization, and your personal life. I’ll leave the data to Google, and instead, share with you four straightforward ways to increase your emotional intelligence so you can start reaping the rewards of high-performance leadership in …

3 Ways To Maintain Culture In A Virtual Or Hybrid Workplace

Last month at one of my Harvard classes, we got into an intense debate about whether virtual work was here to stay or if we’d quickly revert to the in-person setting typical of pre-pandemic times. While many of my fellow students and I believe there are benefits to virtual and hybrid work options, especially when it comes to personal productivity or recruiting and retaining younger generations and parents who appreciate the flexibility that remote work offers, some …