Topic: Conscious Parenting

Leave Work At Work: The Power of Intentional Transitions

If you’re like a lot of leaders I work with, your spouse knows almost as much about the annoying clients or staff drama you deal with every day as you do. It’s hard to separate work from home – especially when work is extra stressful. So we often unload on our partners because we need someone to vent to. I get it; I find myself ruminating on frustrations or conversations I wish would have gone a different …

Where Did My Communication Style Come From?!

In my family, being a “good” kid was rewarded. I learned quickly that good kids didn’t question authority – especially religion. Good kids were agreeable and pleasant and didn’t cause conflict. I was to be a good kid and go along with the status quo. My communication was to follow suit. When I became a teenager and rebelled against having to be a good kid for so long, I voiced my opinions with aggression and volume. As soon …

EQ Through The Lens Of New York With 2 Kids

I introduced my 6- and 8-year-old to New York City over a long spring-break weekend earlier this month. New York holds a piece of my heart as I lived there for 4 years in my 20s, then worked for a Manhattan-based organization that brought me back to the city several times each year in my 30s. This week, I invite you to (vicariously) experience this short journey with my sons and I that will enhance …

Why We Shrink & Dim Our Light

Ever wonder why you second guess your abilities at work or underperform even though you know you’re capable of so much more? Have you ever looked in the mirror after a fight with your partner and asked, “Why did I add to this drama between us?” Or maybe you keep waking up each morning hopeful for some passion and a skip in your step, but instead it feels like you have kettlebells strapped to your ankles and …

Transition Tips: Moving Through Change (with your kids or crew)

Transitions are hard! Regardless of age, regardless of intensity. At work, at home, when your favorite coffee shop discontinues your favorite drink, when your iPhone updates and you can’t find anything, when you send your kids off to college… anyone? Out with the safe and comfortable and in with the new… all over again. Transitions. Are. Hard.  And that’s exactly what we talk about in my latest interview with Jennifer Johnson on her podcast, The Fashionista Life. …