Topic: Relationships

4-Step Script For Improving Your Marriage: The Harmony Huddle

As anyone who has studied business management and success knows, what gets measured, gets managed. Or, what gets measured, gets improved. It’s no different for the most important relationship in your life: your marriage. If you have a partner who is doing their own inner growth work and is willing to contribute to a more satisfying marriage, I want to introduce you to the Harmony Huddle. This is a weekly marriage meeting and love check-in. …

Less Frustration & Better Boundaries With Your Family This Holiday Season

Last September I started a gratitude journal for my husband. Every single day I wrote down one reason I loved him or was grateful for him. One year later, I gave him the journal as a birthday present. While it was meant to be a gift for him, it really ended up being a gift for me and our family. 💝 You see, all successful people know that what we focus on expands. I could …

How To Control Your Reaction When Someone Hurts You

“There is a saying that you are the only one who can control how you feel. How do you master this when you are a reactive person and perhaps someone says something hurtful?”  🤔 Great question!!!  I got this as an anonymous question at a workshop I led a couple weeks back and am excited to have the opportunity to answer it for you.🙋‍♀️  There are ways to turn our programmed reactions into mindful responses. And …

How To Get What You Want By Making Better Requests

Do you forget that your partner is not a mind reader, like me and many of the clients I’ve worked with? “I left the clean clothes on top of the dryer, but my husband didn’t fold them!” one said. “Did you ask him to fold them?” I asked. “No…” she replied. “I really wanted to go to that event but my husband didn’t offer to stay home with the boys so that I could attend,” …

An Important Refresher On A Skill We Can ALL Improve On: Mindful Listening

I learned what a poor listener I was in 2009 in the middle of a yoga teacher training. I realized that most of the time when I thought I was listening, I wasn’t actually listening to the person in front of me. Instead, I was crafting my response in my head, thinking about how to make myself sound good, or telling myself how right I was and how wrong they were. Not to mention the …